Chum Salmon reproduce along the North American coast from Oregon to the Mackenzie river. Chum spawn in over 880 moderate sized coastal streams in British Columbia. Most Chum spend two to four summers at sea before returning to their streams of origin to spawn. Chum, also known as "dog" salmon from the large canine teeth of spawning males, are the second largest Pacific salmon, weighing up to 40 pounds. Spawning males develop reddish vertical bars on their flanks; females have a reddish lateral band. Although Chum are fast swimmers, they are not good jumpers, and they do not migrate far inland to spawn.
Chum fry migrate to the sea soon after they emerge from the gravel. They may spend up to 7 years at sea, but 4 years is typical.

By their second summer in the Ocean. Chum Salmon are found throughout the Gulf of Alaska, North Pacific, and the Bering Sea. Chum originating in North America have been found as far West as 176°W in the North Pacific.
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