Good Morning, Feeders;


It's that time, again. We've started ponding, so we need to get the feeding underway. The plan is to start feeding on Monday, April 06. The procedure for accessing the hatchery will be the same as always: Morning shift will use one key to get in and afternoon shift will use the second key to go in at noon. Be sure to drop the key off, it really screws things up if one is missing. If you arrive at home with the key, please let myself or Bill know, so we can deal with it.


There will be a number of Feeding/Cleaning procedure pamphlets on the desk at the Hatchery. Read through the guidelines and give me a shout if there are any queries. We are doing a feeding experiment on one trough of Chinook this year which will entail a small additional step in the feeding routine. These fry will be getting an experimental food which has to be ground to a certain size by the morning shift. The procedure will be explained by an e-mail when we have it sorted out.


The initial feed used will be #0 crumb, almost dustlike in consistency. For the first week, new fry will only need a very, very small amount per trough, since they don't really feed much at first. The amount can be gradually increased after the first week, when they will hopefully start to respond by actively responding to the food. Once they turn into little pirhannas, you know they're feeding okay.


As weight and size increase. so will the food size. There will be a list on hand to keep everyone updated on current sizes.


If you have a morning shift and no-one shows for the afternoon shift, don't worry too much. The Fry will do just fine for an afternoon without food. Don't feel you have to hang around. If  you can contact either myself or Bill Pedneault, do so, otherwise, go home - you did your share.


If you are using the hose to wash down, please be aware of the overflow under the Main manifold. If the water level drops to the point where the flow stops, an alarm goes off and all Hell breaks loose. The phone will ring and the Alarm Company will ask what is happening. The biggest worry is that the flow to the trays in the Inc. Rm. will stop, not a good thing. Just avoid running the hose for long periods and keep an eye on the water level and you'll be fine.


We're still short a body for Thursday a.m. and Saturday a.m., if anyone knows of an available volunteer.


If there are any problems, contact either myself, Bill, or Glen, one of us should be around. There will be a phone list for us with the feed list.

