Comments received by the society in response to

the decision to cancel the fishing derby   


To: Glen Varney

Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 10:41 AM

Subject: RE: Derby Cancelled


Glen Varney, Director of Hatchery Operations

Sooke Salmon Enhancement Society,

Jack Brooks Hatchery, Sooke BC.


Dear Mr Varney,

I read with dismay the cancellation of the annual Sooke Salmon Derby.  The derby is a great fundraiser and Salmon Enhancement Awareness opportunity for the Sooke River system and the local fishery.  I have participated in the derby for the past two years and have greatly enjoyed the opportunity.  I understand that the decision to cancel the derby is in direct response to dismal Chinook returns to the Sooke River system in the past two years. 

I fished on at least 15 occasions last year (2007) in the Sooke and Nitinaht areas of the West Coast of Vancouver Island and was fortunate to bring in 10 Chinook Salmon up to 25 pounds.  These fish were caught by myself, my 13 year old nephew and one by my 7 year old son.  At least 4 of these were destined for the Nitinaht River (caught at the bar in early September) and some number of the remainder were likely Sooke River fish - given that they were spawners and caught off Secretary Island.

There is no doubt that the Sport Fishery is only minimally responsible for the collapse of the West Coast fishery, but I cannot participate blindly in the further decimation of what was once a world renowned resource without knowing that there is a plan in place to ensure a sustainable resource for our future generations.  Without effective fisheries management guaranteeing the survival of the entire marine food chain, the salmon will not exist as we once knew it. 

I have decided therefore to not fish for salmon this year until it is known absolutely that the river systems have sustainable returns (I'll consider early local reports in September, not DFO.)  Hopefully the fish that do not land in my freezer this year will add to the 100 or so fish that would have been taken in this year's derby and will make it to the Sooke River system.  Hopefully the meagre 150 Chinook that are allowed to make it to the Sooke River as a direct result of the Department and Fisheries and Oceans management will be increased as a result.

I understand that I will be withholding an average of $150 per days' fishing from the local community (gas and oil, fishing gear, bait, launch, lunch, snacks, beverages, and motel stays / meals at Nitinaht Lake etc.)  The local mechanics will also miss my 2007 contribution of over $1,500 for their service on my small runabout for outboard and trailer repairs.  This totals a direct amount of approximately $3,750 for 10 Chinook or $375 per fish that will unfortunately not circulate through the local economy this year.  

As I put these numbers together it reminds me how fortunate I am to not be one of the masses with the $40,000 plus boats or one of the tourists that pay upwards of $100 per hour for the opportunity to hook into one or two of our great Chinook Salmon.  The hotel stays, the flights, the taxis, the ferries, the rental cars, the restaurants, the floating lodges, the guides, the tackle chain, the bait companies, the smokehouses, the processors, the mechanics, the boat builders, the advertisers, the salespeople at all levels - and this just a partial list of the direct impact the Sport Fishery has on the the local economies.  Just imagine the spin-off circulation.  This contribution is clearly undervalued by the same authority that allows the Pacific Salmon to be bled into extinction. 

I appreciate and value the decision made by the SSES to not hold the derby this year and wish to contribute in my own capacity.  I will likely not be purchasing the $22.26 saltwater fishing license and the $6.36 Chinook tag and will not be purchasing the two $50 derby tickets for my boat.  Knowing the great and necessary work done by the SSES and the Jack Brooks Hatchery team, I am forwarding by mail a cheque for the total of $128.62 as donation to the Sooke Salmon Enhancement Society to be put to good use.

Thank you to the SSES for all of the great work that you do. 

Doug Johns



To: "Glen Varney" Director of Hatchery Operations

Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 11:25 AM

Subject: Derby Cancellation

Hi Glen

What a good idea! Doug Johns contributes - why not lots of people, so today

to help get things started we sent by mail our contribution of $200.00.

Congrats to John and kudos to the Society exec for having the knockers to

make the decision

Jack McLeod



Hello Glen Varney and Brian Manning:


What a great plan.  As you know Ben and I participate in the derby each year. Although we are saddened by the cancellation  I am in total support of the decision.  Ben and I would be happy to donate to help to cover the loss.  Ben and I will each donate $200.00 for a total of $400.00. Cheque will be sent asap.


All the work you and the other members do to support salmon enhancement is greatly appreciated.


Thanks to all the volunteers.


 Bill and Ben Wright